For me, today is the best day after the PMR exam. Finally, I won in Cho Da De game. Yeah, although I lost to Lip but I still won the other 2. CY didnt attend also the main reason that I can won.
Yu-Gi-Oh, haiz, the opponent quite ok, but he used his card wrongly. Like Chaos Greed, Six Samurai Storm. But still, he requires ''good'' skill. Ka Lok built a '' good'' deck. It is a bit sarcastic, sorry if you get annoying. I dont want to hurt anybody feeling, so I just can write like that.
Pokemon Trading Card is a quite nice game. It is not hard to learn it. Price cards, basic Pokemon.......... it is more simple than Yu-Gi-Oh. But for me, I have to learn it for having new skills.
HeHe! 1 day 3 games. What a lovely day.
About Me

- Lee Jek Ann
- High level intellect boy, Master Tactician, Pro CS and DOTA player, Yugioh too, challenge me at any time. You can ask anything from me through this blog. My favorite anime and manga: Bleach, Naruto
Blog Archive
- Today, I learnt cookery XO
- Sickness...... made me sick
- A bloody battle in DoTA
- I will learn cookery from CY and Boey.
- Haiz......Finally, I leave calligraphy class.
- A new beginning. The end of PMR.
- 4S2, wait for me
- Do you want to play game boy advance, nintendo ds,...
- My blog become nicer
- A nice day
- Cho Da De
- Can you help me to introduce my blog to other people?
- My library card
- 2012
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