Law of Nature

Principle lodged in the eyes.


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For me, today is the best day after the PMR exam. Finally, I won in Cho Da De game. Yeah, although I lost to Lip but I still won the other 2. CY didnt attend also the main reason that I can won.
Yu-Gi-Oh, haiz, the opponent quite ok, but he used his card wrongly. Like Chaos Greed, Six Samurai Storm. But still, he requires ''good'' skill. Ka Lok built a '' good'' deck. It is a bit sarcastic, sorry if you get annoying. I dont want to hurt anybody feeling, so I just can write like that.
Pokemon Trading Card is a quite nice game. It is not hard to learn it. Price cards, basic Pokemon.......... it is more simple than Yu-Gi-Oh. But for me, I have to learn it for having new skills.
HeHe! 1 day 3 games. What a lovely day.


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